What is the difference between significant and regulated trees?

What is the difference between significant and regulated trees?

There have been changes in the legislation and development plan policy and you need to be aware of them.

Why has it happened? It is because of the intention of authorities to maintain a balance between the protection of substantial trees and to find out the need to remove trees that are inappropriately located.

Also, it is intended to control inappropriate tree species as well.

When you are in doubt or confusion regarding regulated or significant trees, the best way is to call an expert like Crows Nest Tree Removal. It is an expert company that can guide and help you.

The experts will be able to tell you about the two different assessment approaches for regulated and significant trees. First, you should know what the difference between them is.

Regulated and significant trees-the difference

Knowing the difference is crucial for you, arborists, and the service operator that performs tree removal in Adelaide.

It is because both these categories bring a different set of norms, rules, and guidelines. Everything- maintenance, care, pruning, and removal depends on that.

Significant Trees

Significant trees are the trees that hold particular importance because of their age, size, cultural significance, or rarity.

Typically, a significant tree has a single trunk with a circumference of two meters or more when you measure it at the height of one meter above natural ground level.

If there are multiple trunks, then the total trunk circumference has to be two meters or more and the average circumference should be 625 mm or more when you measure it at the height of one meter above natural ground level.

It is considered that these trees significantly contribute to the aesthetic and environmental value of a particular area. Specific trees are designated as significant trees based on predefined criteria.

When you call a service company for tree or stump removal in Adelaide, it is expected that the company knows about these specific guidelines and regulations.

The guidelines ensure that the longevity of the tree is maintained, and its environmental and historical significance is maintained.

You should always remember that the pruning process of significant trees is delicate.

It has to be done by certified arborists who understand the unique needs of such trees. Pruning has to be done in such a manner that you do not compromise the overall integrity of the tree.

This approach keeps the aesthetic appeal of the tree intact and promotes long-term vitality.

Regulated Trees

Regulated trees are protected by local or state regulations because they have special ecological importance or specific characteristics.

It has a single trunk with the circumference of one meter or more when measured at the height of one meter above natural ground level.

A multiple trunk with a circumference of one meter or more and an average circumference of 625mm or more when it is measured at the height of one meter above natural ground level.

The regulations that govern these trees may vary, but they are aimed at preventing indiscriminate removal or pruning as it can impact the environment negatively.

When you call a company for palm tree removal in Adelaide for example, the company should know about all the rules and regulations.

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